The Best Writing Programs

Scrivener is one of the tops writing programs in the world. It’s very robust and can be as simple or as complex as you need.*

Vellum is an amazing tool to help you format your book for ebooks and print all in one program. It is only an iOS program. It’s an amazingly robust program and the one I use for all my formatting.*

Why are over 30,000 authors choosing Publisher Rocket as their go-to book marketing tool?

Because Rocket makes finding keywords, sizing up the competition, and choosing profitable categories quick and easy. And they have a new History Tracker.*

Plottr is an amazing tool to help you visually organize your scenes, chapters, characters, setting … anything. Use the code LASARTOR to get $5 off a lifetime subscription.

Atticus is PC friendly and will allow you to create professional print books and eBooks easily with the all-in-one book writing software.

This is a new tool from Kindlepreneur, an AI description generator. This page will take you to ALL Dave Chesson’s free tools. The man is unreal.

*I am an affiliate and may earn a small commission if you use my links. There is no additional cost to you. Thanks ~ L.A.