The Best How-To Writing Books

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I devoured On Writing. Part memoir, part craft book. It’s a must read.

Laurie’s Believable Characters gives you countless examples on enneagrams can help build your GMC

Debra’s GMC book is a quintessential on building GMC. I built my YouTube GMC series in part from these lessons.

The Writer’s Journey is all about story telling. Originally written as an influential memo to Disney Animation Executives for the Lion King. My copy has flags all a gazillion pages.

The Power of Myth prompted a resurgence in Joseph Campbell’s work, who believed mythology was the “song of the universe, the music of the spheres” and had a profound influence on George Lucas, creator of Star Wars.

I’ve had Techniques of the Selling Writer for years. It’s still my go-to when I’m stuck and can’t figure out why.

Candee Fick’s The Author Toolbox offers a complete guide to building a book and a career.

Romancing the Beat by Gwen Hayes is a great, step-by-step breakdown on the character’s internal journey. Scrivener and Plottr (see my Best Writing Programs) both offer templates per the book’s steps.

Author and literary agent Donald Maass can show you how to take your prose to the next level and write a breakout novel – one that rises out of obscurity and hits the best-seller lists.

With timeless, innovative, and concise writing reflections and techniques,  James Scott Bell’s The Art of War for Writers is your roadmap to victory.

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