Couple embracing during Christmas in the snow

Be Mine This Christmas Night

Christmas is the perfect season to fall in love and find a family. Unless you’re hiding a secret.

Annie Hamilton, author of a beloved children’s series, is about the flip the switch on her home’s annual Christmas light show when the sight of a lone boy among the crowd reminds her of what she wants most. A family of her own. But after Annie’s secret has already caused a groom to flee, she knows that wish is only a dream.

Cole Evans may be a brilliant scientist, but raising two sons as a widower is beyond his expertise. When Cole moves next door to his youngest son’s all-time-favorite author, she becomes another complication, albeit a pretty one.

But the boys’ beloved uncle doesn’t like Annie and makes no attempt to hide his distaste from anyone, including them, and creating an impossible choice for Cole, as choosing Annie means cutting ties to his late wife’s brother and hurting the boys.

Can a Christmas star bring Annie and Cole a beacon of hope during this magical season?